for a tie symbol you should specify a (negative) GAP.

something like:,43.76953125,1.3623046875,43.79150390625&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256

is obtained with

    NAME "rail"
    FONT sc
    GAP -3


            WIDTH 2
            OUTLINEWIDTH 1
            OUTLINECOLOR "#555554"
            COLOR "#ffffff"
            SYMBOL rail
            SIZE 5
            COLOR "#555554"

On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 14:35, Anzel, Phil - Fort Collins, CO
<> wrote:
> Hi, Thomas,
> Thanks for looking into this problem.
> My goal is to create a "railroad" cross-hatching along a line. I originally 
> used:
>      NAME 'default'
>      Type simple
>    END
>      NAME 'tie'
>      TYPE vector
>      POINTS 0 0  0 7  -99 -99  7 0  7 7  END
>    END
> These were referenced, within a layer of type "line", by:
>     STYLE
>       SYMBOL            'default'
>       SIZE              1
>       COLOR             0 0 0
>     END
>     STYLE
>      SYMBOL             'tie'
>      SIZE               8
>      COLOR              0 0 0
>     END
>   END
> This had worked under MapServer 5.6.3. I returned to this example after 
> upgrading to 5.7DEV on March 9, 2011, and found that the "tie" cross-hatching 
> had disappeared. I tried several other symbols; I used the "circle" as an 
> example because it also worked in the past and is used in the MapServer 
> "Introduction to MapServer", section 2.4.3, "CLASS and STYLE objects".
> Closer to the 2.4.3 example, if I define:
>  symbol
>    name 'circle'
>    filled true
>    type ellipse
>    points 0 0 1 1 end
>  end
> and reference this definition, as per the example, with:
>     style
>       symbol "circle"
>       color 178 114 1
>       size 15
>     end
>     style
>       symbol "circle"
>       color 254 161 0
>       size 7
>     end
> then there is no image created.
> Given these experimental results, I wonder if there has been a change in 
> behavior in drawing symbols. Alternatively I've made a very simple error.
> Is there an error in my map file? How do you recommend that the "railroad" 
> hatched line be drawn?
> Thanks again.
> - Phil
> -----Original Message-----
> From: thomas bonfort []
> Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 4:17 AM
> To: Anzel, Phil - Fort Collins, CO
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Symbol not showing up in MapServer 6.0.0-beta1 
> release
> huh, I may have misinterpreted...
> you can't expect to obtain a point/marker symbology when using a line 
> geometry.
> if you effectively want to use marker symbols, you can have a look RFC
> 48 and its
>  GEOMTRANSFORM "start|end|vertices" transformations.
> --
> thomas
> On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 12:10, thomas bonfort <> 
> wrote:
>> Phil,
>> what kind of symbology are you trying to obtain. I suspect you're
>> aiming for a thick line, which now does not require the use of a
>> symbol, but rather:
>> style
>>  width 20
>>  color 0 0 255
>> end
>> regards,
>> thomas
>> On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 02:24, Anzel, Phil - Fort Collins, CO
>> <> wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I upgraded to MapServer 5.7 (6.0.0-beta1) code for x32/VS2010 (downloaded 
>>> from on March 9, 2011.
>>> It appears that embedded symbols are not drawn. Below is a simple map file 
>>> that has a single diagonal line as a feature and two styles; the first 
>>> should draw a 25-pixel circle, the second a single-pixel line; similar map 
>>> files worked under 5.6.3. I do not know if this worked under 5.7 circa 
>>> December 15, 2010.
>>> Only the single-pixel line is drawn. I've tried various other symbol 
>>> definitions; none appear in the output.
>>> I'm using the "drawmap.exe" utility to draw the PNG output file under 
>>> Microsoft Windows XP Professional 2002 SP 3. No errors are reported.
>>> Can you help?
>>> Thanks,
>>> - Phil Anzel
>>>  Web Soil Survey development team
>>>  Vistronix Inc. for USDA/NRCS/ITC
>>> ..... start of map file .....
>>> MAP
>>>    NAME 'pnga'
>>>    MIMETYPE 'image/pnga'
>>>    EXTENSION 'png'
>>>  END
>>>  SIZE 954 589
>>>  EXTENT -11760744.430293 5057510.78178777 -11752931.9172644 5062334.23060729
>>>  IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255
>>>  PROJECTION 'proj=merc' 'a=6378137' 'b=6378137' 'lat_ts=0.0' 'lon_0=0.0' 
>>> 'x_0=0.0' 'y_0=0' 'k=1.0' 'units=m' 'nadgrids=@null' 'north' 'no_defs' END
>>>  symbol
>>>    name 'circle' filled true type ellipse points 0 0 1 1 end
>>>  end
>>>  LAYER
>>>    NAME  'single line'
>>>    STATUS ON
>>>    TYPE LINE
>>>    feature points -11760750 5057520 -11752920 5062330 end end
>>>    CLASS
>>>      style
>>>        symbol 'circle'
>>>        size 20
>>>        color 255 255 0
>>>        outlinecolor 255 0 0
>>>      end
>>>      style
>>>        width 1
>>>        color 0 0 255
>>>      end
>>>    end
>>>  END # end of layer 'single line'
>>> END  # end of MAP
>>> ..... end of map file .....
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