Any suggestions on how something like this could be implemented using MapServer?

My front-end is OpenLayers, and the backend data are from SRTM. I'd like to 
click on the map and create a line, and get back the elevation numbers for that 
line. I only want the elevation numbers as I can optionally construct the 
profile via a variety of ways.

I am assuming I could send a line WKT, but how would I query for the values 
using MapServer?

 seems to use a canvas implementation that doesn't seem to be available in my 
standard-issue OL 2.11. Calling `this.layer.getPixelDataForViewPortPx` croaks 
with "not a function" message. In any case, I don't really want the RGB values 
under the mouse. I want the actual height values.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,

Puneet Kishor_______________________________________________
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