On 4/26/2012 7:35 PM, Puneet Kishor wrote:
Any suggestions on how something like this could be implemented using MapServer?


My front-end is OpenLayers, and the backend data are from SRTM. I'd like to 
click on the map and create a line, and get back the elevation numbers for that 
line. I only want the elevation numbers as I can optionally construct the 
profile via a variety of ways.

I am assuming I could send a line WKT, but how would I query for the values 
using MapServer?

 seems to use a canvas implementation that doesn't seem to be available in my 
standard-issue OL 2.11. Calling `this.layer.getPixelDataForViewPortPx` croaks with 
"not a function" message. In any case, I don't really want the RGB values under 
the mouse. I want the actual height values.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,

Hi Puneet,

I have done this in the past and there are a bunch of moving parts. Here is what I did.

1. got a copy of NED2 data for the US.
2. create a gdal .vrt file to pull all the files into a single virtual file
3. wrote a simple C fcgi program to take an x,y and get the elevation from the the NED2 data.


4. I used pgRouting to compute a route and then took the route geometry and added sample point along the edges where needed, and hit the fcgi service to convert the points to elevations and then plotted the elevations against the their length along the line that the x,y represented.

I also think I may have wrote an app where you could pass the route polyline to it an it would generate an image of the elevation plot.

5. Then wired it into the web page as an ajax call of as a image url that gets updated.

-Steve W
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