On 5/11/2012 8:22 AM, Helen San Segundo Navazo wrote:
Sorry for insisting but I don't understeand how mapcache works.

When I invoke in the url http://localhost/mapcache/ apache reads the
MapCacheAlias so it goes to the path
/home/curs/Desarrollo/Aplicaciones/mapserver-mapcache-18a50e2/ and read
mapcache.xml file?

If I invoke http://localhost/mapcache/demo what's doing? reads/create a
demo folder inside the path
/home/curs/Desarrollo/Aplicaciones/mapserver-mapcache-18a50e2/ or goes
inside the mapcache.xml to a tag with "demo" value?

I send a jpg with my structure of folders, is missing something?

Maybe if I understand how mapcache works I would find what's the problem.

In the apache config you want to specify a MapCacheAlias, this should be to a non-existent directory as apache will use this path to handoff the request to the mapcache service handler. For example:

MapCacheAlias /mapcache /usr/var/mapcache/mapcache.xml

When mapcache gets the handoff it reads the mapcache.xml config file which defines the various services, grids, etc that you have configured.

If you have enabled the demo service for example:


Then mapcache will generate an html page the list the configured services. And if you click on one of the servers like wms if you configured that, it will generate a sample OpenLayers application preconfigured to access that service. You can view the page source to see how to setup OpenLayers to access that service.

  -Steve W
mapserver-users mailing list

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