
I attached a copy of the get capabilities document when I use
If I try; I get an error 
message "received wms request with no service param"

Update:  I did try my county coordinate layer again.  That worked as a WMST 
layer within QGIS.

Mark Volz
GIS Specialist

-----Original Message-----
From: thomas bonfort [] 
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2012 1:48 AM
To: Mark Volz
Subject: Re: mapcache - working with different grids

can you send me the generated capabilities document ?


On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 3:57 PM, Mark Volz <> wrote:
> Thomas,
> *note I noticed that ArcCatalog reports the LatLongBoundingBox as 0, 0, 0,0.  
> This is probably important...
> I realize that mapcahce does not project.  For testing I completely removed 
> my grid, source, and tileset that is in county coordinates.  My other cache 
> is in UTM 15, The only grid I have advertised is UTM15 such as:
>      <!--<grid>WGS84</grid>-->
>      <!--<grid>g</grid>-->
>      <grid>UTM15</grid>
> So here is what I have:
> Demo: The demo site works fine.  Here is an example request that works
> WMS in ArcCatalog:  Doesn’t work
> The lat long bounding box is 0,0,0,0.  Furthermore ArcCatalog advertises 
> EPSG: 26915 (which is correct) , EPSG: 900913, EPSG 26915 again?, EPSG: 3857. 
>  How can I remove the other projections.  I only want to serve 26915.
> * I did try to change the coordinate system that ArcCatalog / ArcMap requests 
> to UTM 15. Mapcahce still did not work
> WMS in QGIS:  Doesn’t work.
> In the properties for the service (root layer) I noticed the WGS 84 Bounding 
> Box is empty.  However, the layer MNSOUTH11 does have a valid bounding box
> WMTS in QGIS:  Works.
> When adding the WMS layer in QGIS, I noticed I could switch between layers 
> (wms) and Tilesets (WMTS?).  The tilesets work in QGIS.
> ********************************************************
> When I did have the County Map service configured, nothing worked.  Not even 
> the demo.  I didn't even get any pink tiles in the demo, and firebug reported 
> that it was not even trying to request anything.
> Let me know if you have any thoughts as to why the WMS service isn’t working.
> Thanks for all your help
> Mark Volz
> GIS Specialist
> Lyon County, MN
> -----Original Message-----
> From: thomas bonfort []
> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 6:02 AM
> To: Mark Volz
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] mapcache - working with different grids
> Hi,
> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 9:45 PM, Mark Volz <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I started working with Mapcache.  I added a tileset that is in UTM 15
>> (26915) and it is working fine on the demo page
>> http://localhost/mapcache/demo/wms.  However when I add the layer to
>> ArcView, I get a warning about inconsistent extents.   I noticed the
>> service is advertising several extents:  EPSG:900913, EPSG:103749,
>> EPSG:26915, EPSG:4326, EPSG:3857.  So I made sure ArcGIS was
>> requesting the correct coordinate system via layer>change coordinate
>> system.  Even after switching the coordinate system, I still did not
>> see anything  (even when zoomed into the appropriate area)
> I've never tried the wms service in arcgis...
> what I do know is that mapcache advertises all known grids in the wms root 
> layer, however only the actually cached grids are advertised for each 
> individual layer (that's what the spec requires, although it does not fit 
> very well with cached layers). I wouldn't be very surprised arcgis chokes on 
> that.
> Check your server logs for the requests actually being sent out by arcgis, 
> that will at least tell you if the correct grid is being used.
>> I also am trying to get another layer cached, which is in county
>> coordinates.  I did add a grid for the county coordinates.
>> Unfortunately I cannot get that service working in either the demo
>> page or the ArcMap.  I can get the source of that service (before it
>> is cached in MapCache) to work in ArcMap.
> need more info... mapcache itself does no projection handling, the grid srs 
> is only used as a key to lookup which tiles to return, and is forwarded to 
> the wms server as is. Right clicking on a pink tile in the demo page and 
> opening the image in a new window might give you more info to help debugging.
> --
> thomas
>> Questions:
>> Is this the right mailing list, or does mapcache have a separate list?
>> How can I limit the grids / spatial references that Mapcache advertises?
>> What am I missing that Mapcache works fine in the demo pages, but not
>> in ArcMap?  - note I set  <full_wms>assemble</full_wms> and <service 
>> type="wms"
>> enabled="true">
>> Is there anything I need to know about custom spatial references?  I
>> am guessing that Mapserver itself only needs the grid set.
>> Thanks for all the help!
>> Mark Volz
>> GIS Specialist
>> _______________________________________________
>> mapserver-users mailing list
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<!DOCTYPE WMT_MS_Capabilities SYSTEM ""; [ <!ELEMENT VendorSpecificCapabilities EMPTY>]>
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