There have been some experiments a few years ago but I don't remember how far the implementation went, how much real testing it got and whether it is still maintained. You may want to look at and search for discussions on the dev list around 2008-2011 for the full history.

But for your specific problem, have you considered simply generating overviews in your source images using average resampling? This way you would pay the price of (average or bilinear) resampling only once and your WMS requests could use nearest neighbor on the overviews to provide much better quality results without the processing cost.

More info about optimizing raster access is available here (in case you had not seen it yet):


On 2017-06-01 9:35 AM, Schepers, Benjamin wrote:
Hi list,

has anyone of you made some experience with mapserver and GPU-rendering on 
Linux (Debian preferred)?

The use case would be to speed up raster-resampling on the fly (nearest <-> 
average) in WMS and maybe later vector-rendering on complex symbology.
For now raster-rendering in average-mode is three-times slower than resampling 
with nearest neighbor (which looks worse, indeed).

Are there some pitfalls? Maybe compiling with openGL-driver, other issues, 

Would GDAL benefit from using GPU on processing very large rasters 
(aerialimage-BigTIFFs). How would this be done? OpenGL / OpenCL?
Any hints are welcome, I couldn't find that much info on this...


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Daniel Morissette
Mapgears Inc
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