Hi David: Presumably the Docker image is running the most recent version of
7.4 which would have that pull request applied. That said, I don't think
it's the culprit here and I have seen some issues with -'s where the
MS_MAP_PATTERN expression compiles fine but doesn't match as expected.
Re-writing the expression to move the - character can help. Try this:



On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 3:07 AM David Pavlíček via mapserver-users <
mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm using camptocamp/mapserver:7.4 docker image to run mapserver on our
> servers and I have recently encountered this error:
> [warn] [pid 25] mod_fcgid: stderr: msCGILoadMap(): Web application error.
> CGI variable "map" fails to validate.
> 2098 - - - [02/Jun/2021:04:57:42 +0000] "GET
> /?map=/etc/mapserver/puobod/krpk-puobod-red.map&request=getcapabilities&service=WMS"
> In fact, any mapfile with hyphens won't work. They fail against
> MS_MAP_PATTERN regex or something. This is strange because I tested this
> regex and it works fine. Container MS ENV variables look like this:
> MS_MAP_PATTERN=^\/etc\/mapserver\/([^\.][_A-Za-z0-9\-\.]+\/{1})*([_A-Za-z0-9\-\.]+\.map)$
> MS_MAPFILE=/etc/mapserver/mapserver.map
> Maybe something related to this PR:
> https://github.com/MapServer/MapServer/pull/6314
> Any suggestions about that? Renaming project is not an option because they
> are referenced in many places outside of our direct reach (GIS clients,
> servers, etc)
> Thanks, David
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