Hi David,

MS4W also uses PCRE for its regex engine, so Windows users will soon be facing these same issues as you (I'll be making this as easy as possible for the new Windows users).

So to answer your question: I believe most users aren't yet aware of what regex engine they use, and, also I believe that the PCRE regex engine is used more frequently in the MapServer community than what is believed. (most automated tests do not use PCRE, for example, even though it is so commonly used)

I'm not sure if I have the answer that you need, but I wanted to give a perspective from the Windows side.


Jeff McKenna
GatewayGeo: Developers of MS4W, MapServer Consulting and Training
co-founder of FOSS4G

On 2021-06-03 9:29 a.m., David Pavlíček via mapserver-users wrote:
Hi Steve,
your pattern works like a charm... escaped hyphen was the issue. I tested the previous regex with regex101.com <http://regex101.com> and it matches with no problems against most of the available variants except PCRE. Which regex engine is suitable for a test against MapServer?

Thank you.

st 2. 6. 2021 v 15:16 odesílatel Steve Lime <sdl...@gmail.com <mailto:sdl...@gmail.com>> napsal:

    Hi David: Presumably the Docker image is running the most recent
    version of 7.4 which would have that pull request applied. That
    said, I don't think it's the culprit here and I have seen some
    issues with -'s where the MS_MAP_PATTERN expression compiles fine
    but doesn't match as expected. Re-writing the expression to move the
    - character can help. Try this:



    On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 3:07 AM David Pavlíček via mapserver-users
    <mailto:mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org>> wrote:

        I'm using camptocamp/mapserver:7.4 docker image to run mapserver
        on our servers and I have recently encountered this error:

        [warn] [pid 25] mod_fcgid: stderr: msCGILoadMap(): Web
        application error. CGI variable "map" fails to validate.
        2098 - - - [02/Jun/2021:04:57:42 +0000] "GET

        In fact, any mapfile with hyphens won't work. They fail against
        MS_MAP_PATTERN regex or something. This is strange because I
        tested this regex and it works fine. Container MS ENV variables
        look like this:


        Maybe something related to this PR:

        Any suggestions about that? Renaming project is not an option
        because they are referenced in many places outside of our direct
        reach (GIS clients, servers, etc)

        Thanks, David
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