In the mentioned FAQVector, the geometry types are selected seperatly.
If you use ogr2ogr to convert to shape and point to a directory instead
of a file, the _point _line and _poly are constructed automatically if I
am correct!
Frank Warmerdam schreef:
Delfos, Jacob wrote:
Thanks, Flavio. Currently we're actually evaluating the "Professional
edition" of FME. But I'd prefer to be able to recommend an Open-Source
solution to our client, and I think ogr2ogr may be simpler to
batch-process. But obviously at the end of the day I'll have to
recommend whatever works best, even if it costs.
FME is an excellent investment for any shop doing a lot of GIS
data processing. However, if the primary concern is splitting
a gis layer into geometry type specific layers, this can be
accomplished as described in the second FAQ at:
Best regards,
Milo van der Linden
skype: milovanderlinden <skype:milovanderlinden?add>
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