Thanks frank.

However I'm not getting the right results when comparing the data with what 
it looks like in ArcMap.

Maybe you can explain this to me!!!

My data is in this projection +proj=goode +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 
+units=m and mapserver renders an image that looks like the attached 

When I try the reproject the layer using this projection +proj=utm +zone=55 
+units=m +ellps=aust_SA +south in the map file mapserver renders an 
that looks like worldLayerAsAussie.png.

This is not what it should look like.  If I reproject the data in ArcMap to use 
the Aussie projection you translated for me earlier it looks like 

So I did one more test, If I export my data out of ArcMap using the Aussie 
projection and have my map file reference that data it displays the world as 

So the only conclusion that I can come up with is that Proj.4 definition of 
+proj=utm +zone=55 +units=m +ellps=aust_SA +south is not coorect.

Any ideas? 





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