Hi all, I am really enjoying my first delve into mapping and like to say thanks for the great software.
I am havering a bit of a problem and I am sure it is something easy, I am getting unusual fonts rendering using SDE. It works fine with the shape files but with SDE the text parts come out wrong. I have attached a sample. Here are some bits from my mapfile;- OUTPUTFORMAT NAME 'AGG' DRIVER AGG/PNG IMAGEMODE RGB END LAYER NAME LandUnit METADATA "DESCRIPTION" "Land Unit" "RESULT_FIELDS" "ForestCode Description" END TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE PLUGIN PLUGIN "/ms4w/Apache/specialplugins/msplugin_sde_92.dll" CONNECTION "palustris,port:5155,d,ms_user,p4ss\/\/ord" DATA "d.DBO.LandUnit,SHAPE,SDE.DEFAULT" TOLERANCE 5 TEMPLATE "ttt_query.html" CLASS SYMBOL 0 COLOR 255 255 255 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 TEXT ([SpeciesLabel] [YOE] [AreaHA]ha) LABEL FONT "vera" TYPE truetype SIZE 8 BUFFER 1 COLOR 0 0 0 BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 255 255 WRAP " " ENCODING UTF-16 END END END # Layer The [SpeciesLabel] is the one with the problem, the "[YOE] [AreaHA]ha" are numbers and render correctly. I have tried various ENCODING types to no avail. Thanks for your time Neil
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