On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 8:52 AM, Thomas Nichols <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Having a spec/ruleset/syntax definition seems an admirable goal; does
>  this necessarily imply that, for example, you should not be able to
>  begin a list item with zero to three spaces, at your discretion? This
>  seems rather at odds with the overall theme of your mail, with which I
>  heartily agree.

As a slightly-OT aside, there's another view on this "spaces before a
list item" issue that sees it as a bug.

When I write a list of references in a academic paper, I do so with
list items.  I do a hanging indent where the rest of the reference is
indented by two or three spaces, like so:

* Aslam, J. A., Popa, R. A., & Rivest, R. L. (2007). On estimating the
  size and confidence of a statistical audit, USENIX/ACCURATE
  Electronic Voting Technology Workshop 2007. Retrieved February 24,
  2008. from

Markdown sees that "  2008." as a list item.

    <li>Aslam, J. A., Popa, R. A., &amp; Rivest, R. L. (2007). On estimating the
    size and confidence of a statistical audit, USENIX/ACCURATE
    Electronic Voting Technology Workshop 2007. Retrieved February 24,

best, Joe

Joseph Lorenzo Hall
UC Berkeley School of Information
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