Joseph Lorenzo Hall wrote:
Sounds like there are quite a few people who write intuitively by
placing a space or two before a list marker.  Next question: what if
we only allowed a fixed number of whitespaces before a list marker?
For example, what if the spec said 0-1 whitespace characters before a
list marker?

Is that too rigid?

This would accommodate those of us that write with a space before a
list marker, but wouldn't capture my edge case (with the "2008."
indented three spaces on a newline). best, Joe

What's needed is a way to distinguish your edge case from the general case where it would be a list. Do you use two white spaces to preserve the line breaks? Perhaps that could be the trigger in this case - a line ending in two white spaces prevents the next line from being formatted as a new list.

I just tested this edge case in PHP Markdown Extra and it does the same thing (both with and without the two white spaces for newlines).
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