david parsons wrote:
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 <markdown-discuss@six.pairlist.net> wrote:

however, implementers can reach agreement easily,
by leaving users out in the cold, brushing them off
with a "you will need to follow the spec" which seems
-- if i understand markdown's cornerstone correctly --
to be outside gruber's comfort range for his creation...

    I've looked at this paragraph several times and I still have no idea
what you're talking about.

    If a user says "I want paragraphs to start with an explicit
paragraph symbol and all newlines to force a <br/>" , I *will* brush
them off with a "you will need to follow the spec" because that's not
how Markdown works.    I can't imagine any other way to actually write
the language.

    -david parsons
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

I think what is trying to be said here is that in creating the spec you can't lose the original focus of what Markdown is all about. Users (such as myself) don't really care that much about how the html is generated (breaks and explicit paragraphing are the domain of the parser). What we care about is that the original intent of our written source is maintained. It is very easy when creating a formal spec to lose track of the original intent and thus the usefulness of the tool. If I need to track exactly how many spaces I am allowed to use at the beginning of the line for certain implied formatting (like lists) then I am losing focus from the content I am writing, which is the exact opposite of what Markdown was created for.

If Markdown ends up diverging by creating too many rigid rules then users such as myself will just end up finding another tool. We want to type the content and let the tool create the form based on spacing and subtle signals in the content (such as *emphasis* etc). In the end it is the syntax that should be the defining spec because that is what the users understand and that is what determines the functionality of Markdown. Any formal grammar needs to derive from the syntax. My $.02 CDN ($.02014US :)
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