Quoth _Lasar: 

> while I agree that this is technically an issue, I don't think it
> is an often seen issue in actual human-written text. Markdown is
> plain text formatted by and for humans. I don't think there are
> many cases where you would want to put two lists after each other
> without an introduction of sorts.

I must of course agree that it is not an exceedingly common case, or a terribly 
sensible decision to make.

That said:

Consider a student quickly taking notes, or a liveblogger publishing quickly. 
They may not have time to write an intro for each list, or realize that they 
skipped it…
I personally have experienced this issue, so it does happen.
Even if a small fraction of users run into this issue — half a percent, say — 
if I am providing a service to two hundred thousand of users (and I do), that’s 
a thousand people affected.

> And on a side note: Gruber notes in the markdown spec that the
> actual numbers used in a numbered list are ignored. So data loss
> is already occuring here.

Now that is true.


Existing data loss doesn’t mean we should be okay with more data loss.
The numbers couldn’t really be always matched in output given how HTML works, 
I personally made a mistake by starting a paragraph with “1999.” today, so this 
too can cause problems. (At least it’s part of the Markdown spec though.)
I am personally disappointed that the `start` attribute (?) isn’t used, based 
off the first number in the list; this would also help catch mistakes.

Given that I still struggle to see a downside to making my proposed change, I’m 
really hoping we can achieve a rough consensus here.

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