+++ Alan Hogan [Jun 06 11 10:20 ]:
> Esteemed human authors and robotic parse-bots:
> I recently discovered that most or all Markdown implementations, including 
> Gruber’s original in Perl, have an odd behavior with regards to lists that 
> follow each other. Namely, a bulleted list followed by a numbered list, or 
> vice-versa, is masked as if it were part of the first list (and of the first 
> list’s type.)
> For example, consider the following input:
> ~~~~~~
> - Bulleted item
> - Second bulleted item
> 1. Numbered list
> 2. Second numbered item
> ~~~~~~

I strongly agree that this should be parsed as an unordered list
followed by an ordered list.  That is how any normal person would
construe it.

I also think that the following should be interpreted as two different
unordered lists (that is, the change of bullet character should be

* one
* two

- new
- list

Finally, I think that the starting number of an ordered list should be
significant. Otherwise there is no way to have a running list with
commentary in between (but not part of) the items.

(By the way, pandoc implements this last feature, and the next major
version will implement the first two.)

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