Le 2012-06-18 à 6:26, Boris Le Ninivin a écrit :

> Now, to step forward to the problem I have :
> In a website, parts of the pages (essentially headers and footers) are often 
> the same. Hence I've added a functionality to my toolkit : inclusion. It is 
> performed when the parser finds "@include filename".
> The problem I have had is that these instructions are wrapped between <p> 
> tags. Indeed I've tried to bypass the problem by many ideas, but since 
> EVERYTHING is wrapped between <p> tags (including doctypes and all!), I get 
> non-compliant html documents (my header defines the doctype and html head 
> body tags too; and my footer closes the body and html tags; but these are 
> wrapped into paragraphs...).
> Since the markdown language is aimed to be "a format for /writing/ for the 
> web." and "not a replacement for HTML, or even close to it.", I think the md 
> language should allow a strong usage of html tags, and even, to have .md 
> files containing 99% of html tags.

Except @include is not an HTML tag at all.

You could instead use XML-style processing instructions, such as <?include blah 
blah ?>. PHP Markdown should handle them fine regardless of where you put them.

> In the end, on the df website, it is said that "Markdown is smart enough not 
> to add extra (unwanted) |<p>| tags around HTML block-level tags.". So I don't 
> know if it's an implementation problem (related to the PHP port, maybe?), or 
> if it's a design problem, but as far as I know, Markdown is not smart enough 
> to not add unwanted <p> tags.

That's only true for known HTML tags, and only the block-level ones.

> [1] I'm not really delighted to see that a GOOGLE email address is required 
> to be able to post to this list. It might be a more or less effective way to 
> reduce spam, but it's clearly not the correct one. Google uses the data from 
> your emails to build profiles on you, and to [identify](http://donttrack.us/) 
> and [bubble](http://dontbubble.us/) you. Therefore, I use a personal email 
> address from a domain I own. And that one was rejected. I just wanted to 
> point all that out while I'm at it. Oh and in case I'm wrong and that it was 
> my domain which is blacklisted or anything else, do not pay attention to this 
> complaint. :)

As far as I know, the only requirement is that you need to post using the 
address you subscribed with.

Michel Fortin

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