Yeah, it's not intuitive.  I bet I spent a month working out the template

While parameter passing can be a PITA, it is often worse than having to do
the entire header in each file.

One of the advantages of stuff in perl or php is there is *always* another
way to remove the outer integument from the feline.


Sherwood of Sherwood's Forests

Sherwood Botsford
Sherwood's Forests --
50042 Range Rd 31
Warburg, Alberta T0C 2T0

On 19 June 2012 09:13, Boris Le Ninivin <> wrote:

>  On 06/19/2012 03:41 PM, Sherwood Botsford wrote:
> As a work around, look at Template Toolkit 2.
> Here's the template for my home page:
>   Title = "Sherwood's Forests Home"
>   Desc = "Sherwood's Forests Tree Farm home page, and site overview"
>   ExtraMetaContent = "<meta name=\"verify-v1\"
> content=\"1TmuWV5qz7Z+uVP9MZMrq+IiHOqa2tBiOy6E+L7f+aM=\" />"
> %]
> [% INCLUDE %]
> <div id=content>
> [% FILTER markdown %]
> I like this filter concept.
> Regular MD stuff goes here.
> [% INSERT %]
> [% END %]
> </div>
> [% INCLUDE %]
> (END)
> ****
> Notes:
> One of the features I like about TT2 is that you can do substitutions on
> inclusions.
> Writing wasn't easy, as it also reads in an external file and
> processes it into the navigation menu.  But I never modify it, so that's a
> non-issue.
> Creating a new page consists of:
> * Making a copy of an existing page.
> * Putting in new markdown stuff in the middle of the file
> * If I do nothing else, it will show up in alphabetical order in the
> directory it's in.  E.g.  /Home/Trees/Leaf_Trees/Poplars/Swedish_Aspen.tt2
> will show up in the menu system as
> Home -> Trees -> Leaf Trees -> Poplars -> Swedish Aspen
> run my update program, which rebuilds the entire site, and reposts it.
> (Got burned by one of these spam trojans, so the site gets rebuilt twice a
> day. )
> There is a file where I can overwrite the the order for how names appear
> in the menu.
> Respectfully,
> Sherwood of Sherwood's Forests
> Well, thanks for your input. I've already resolved my problem by matching
> .*@include .* and then stripping all the html tags with php. But if I ever
> go for a re-implementation, I'll consider the filter stuff.
> About the rest of your template system, I do not really like the
> parameters in a template, the markdown is aimed to be simple and easy to
> write and read. Which your syntax is not ;)
> Boris.
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