On 10/23/2012 02:37 AM, David J. Weller-Fahy wrote:
Ah-hah!  I knew I was too tired when I responded - let me clarify.

I don't believe we'll need fcgiwrap or Nginx, as I already have a
functional setup of ikiwiki running under mathopd, and can duplicate
that for another user easily enough.
Your VPS, your call. :)
I can do the initial setup of the wiki and gitolite, assuming the
gitolite configuration is not rocket science (TM).  I'll run the wiki
under an isolated user, set some reasonable defaults, and then get you
setup as the administrator.  Note, I'm committing to donating VPS
hosting, but not to being the active maintainer of the wiki.  I would
hand that over to you, and would be a sometime helper, but RL does not
allow for much free time.
Same here, so it might be great if a couple of other people would ask for an access (id_rsa.pub) via git too; so they can put things we forget (or don't have the time to add) in the wiki.
I can get those items done within the next few days (before Friday,
certainly), and then we can test connectivity and make sure you have
full access to the wiki's repository.
Depending on the availability of the virtual-server manager of the French association I mentionned before, I might already have (I've asked a few days ago, but they have much to do apparently) a working VPS at this point... So... Wait and see...
To make sure I fully understand: The intent of this Wiki would be to
provide a central repository for documentation about Markdown, the
variants available (including the 1.2b8 and other semi-official
variants), the quirks and bugs of each, and start working toward
community convergence w.r.t. a future "Markdown2," or whatever it will
be called.  Did I capture that correctly?
Same idea here yes. Plus a link to a (list of the?) multi-dingus, if available.
Final item: What temporary* subdomain does the community want?  I can
put anything on the front of my "caterva.org," and was tempted to just
create "md.caterva.org," but realized others may have a preference.  So:
What say y'all?
I was thinking about using a domain under a "first level TLD" such as mdwn.tk. The thing being : We (or you) HAVE to set up a working wiki with some (even minimal) content before we ask for the domain, or it will be taken down in minutes (their policy is quite restrictive about non-resolving websites and inactivity). What do the others on the list think?
*: There is nothing more permanent that a temporary measure, so I tend
to assume temporary names are going to be permanent now. ;)

Anyway, that's my brain-bytes for now.  If I missed anything or there
are questions throw them out there.

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