Scott Granneman, 2012-10-24 23:37:
Well, if we’re going with ugly, what’s wrong with the good ol’ fashioned non-breaking space?

I for one feel that an empty HTML comment looks slightly less "ugly" than the text "  " in the Markdown text. But as I said, it's a matter of taste. :)

Apart from that, I just compared the two methods and I noticed that this...

    > quote text


    > quote text

... for some reason creates a *larger* break between the quote parts than this:

    > quote text

<!-- -->

    > quote text

At least using Thunderbird with MarkdownHere, I haven't tried other ways yet.

The "comment method" is more what I expected, but it's good to know that a non-breaking space creates a slightly different output, should I ever need it.


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