On Wed, 22 Jun 2005 11:52:40 +0200
Quim Gil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > * I think the board generally wanted to downplay the linkage between
> > the two conferences- we might want to leave that out until we figure
> > out the relationship more concretely.
> The Barcelona team agrees wit this. We also want to downplay this
> linkage before we know more specifically what is the relation with the
> IGC.
> Just in case you thought we were specially interested promoting the
> IGC, which is not the case. They host, we need to agree the terms and
> conditions, we have aggod relation but thet's it.

I thought of promoting GUADEC and GNOME by mentioning the size of
the IGC. Let's face it: GUADEC gains attention if there's a possibility
that the GNOME community establishes closer contacts with the Spanish
IT/Internet industry.

> More things:
> - Speaking about he IGC, they have moved dates... I'm going to explain
> this to the board list. I don't think the change is bad because it
> leaves the IGC just one year after Stuttgart. We could start on Sat
> 27/may, having the weekend just for the GUADEC. On Monday would start
> the IGC and it lasts until Fri 2/june. The board is considering how
> many days would the GUADEC last.

Ehm, that means GUADEC starts on May, the 27th and ends...?

> - In general, people here feels more confortable when you locate
> Bacelona like this: "Barcelona (Catalonia - Spain)". Mmm if you know
> about Scotland, Quebec, Corsica, Basqueland, Bavaria, Puerto Rico,
> etc, you may understand that something like this makes (almost)
> everybody happy.

I don't think, any German would favour Munich (Bavaria - Germany). What
should GNOME fans in Extremedura, for example, say about such a
> - And the 'local guy' quote:

Build in, new version attached. Btw, does it make any sense to attach
these versions, or is somebody else taking care of the changes?



The 7th annual GNOME User and Developer European Conference (GUADEC)
will draw businesses, government, education and end users to Barcelona.

BOSTON, Mass. - 20 June, 2005 - The 7th annual GNOME User and Developer
European Conference (GUADEC) will bring software developers, as well as 
business, government and private users of free and open source software 
to Barcelona, Spain. 

The conference highlights the capabilities and direction of GNOME, the 
free software desktop and development environment for personal
computers, workstations, and portable Internet devices.

Topics will include development workshops, translation showcases, 
business models for free software development, GNOME in mobile devices, 
and discussions about the future of GNOME.

GUADEC takes place April 29 - May 4, 2006 at Fira de Barcelona, in
combination with the Internet Global Congress (IGC). The event will be
jointly organized by the GNOME Foundation, the Generalitat de Catalunya
(Catalan Government), the Council of Barcelona, the IGC and the local
free software community. 

Owen Taylor, chairman of the board of the GNOME Foundation, welcomes the
participation of the local administrations: "This is a splendid
opportunity to showcase their developments in e-government and
education, and to share that with visitors from all over the world."

The Generalitat de Catalunya and the Council of Barcelona are committed
to  the use of open standards and free and open source software in the
public sector and are encouraging the adoption of free software by

The secretary for Telecommunications and the Information Society in the
Catalan Government, Oriol Ferran, highlighted "the importance for
Catalunya to host events such as GUADEC as it helps us to support the
government's national policy to promote Free Software development".

According to Oriol Ferran, "These meetings allow us to access the main
points of debate about Free Software development thus situating
Catalonia as an international reference point in this field".

About GNOME and the GNOME Foundation

Comprised of hundreds of volunteer developers and industry-leading 
companies, the GNOME Foundation is an organization committed to
supporting the advancement of GNOME. GNOME is a free software desktop
and development environment for personal computers, workstations,
networked servers and portable Internet devices. Major leading software
industry and computer manufacturers support the GNOME development
effort, which is led by a worldwide community of volunteers. The
Foundation provides organizational, financial and legal support to the
GNOME project and helps determine its vision and roadmap. More
information on GNOME is available at www.gnome.org. 


The GNOME User and Developer Europe Conference (GUADEC) is an annual
gathering of GNOME developers, enthusiasts and individual, business,
education and government users worldwide. It provides a forum for
members of the GNOME project to showcase their work and to discuss the
future of GNOME development. Housed in a different European country each
year, GUADEC is a catalyst for the future development and direction of
GNOME. More at guadec.gnome.org.

About the IGC

The Internet Global Congress is the leading Internet and New
Technologies congress in Spain. Organized by the Fundació Barcelona
Digital, the Congress comprises a series of conferences addressing a
number of key Information Society themes, and an exhibition (IGC
Village) where delegates can discover the latest ICT products and
services. More at www.igcweb.net.
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