On Wed, 22 Jun 2005 13:34:02 +0200
Quim Gil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I don't think, any German would favour Munich (Bavaria - Germany).
> Ok, that was a bad example then. Barcelona (Catalonia - Spain) is
> frequently used down here precisely to avoid arguments.
> > What
> > should GNOME fans in Extremedura, for example, say about such a
> > distinction?
> This "distinction" is one of the big issues in Spain since ages, you
> will find a wide range of opinions everywhere, Extremadura and
> Barcelona included. Hint: you don't want to get involved in this
> discussion.
> Some would write Barcelona (Spain), some Barcelona (Catalonia).
> Because the GUADEC is no related to regional politics at all, we
> recommend to put both or none.

Thx for the explanation. :-)

I didn't want to argue about it; just understand what we're doing, and
why we're doing it.

"to Barcelona (Catalonia - Spain)." instead of "to Barcelona, Spain"

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