On Fri, 14 Jul 2006 08:58:50 +1000
Jeff Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is the distinction between "features" and "benefits". Apple have
> always been good about communicating *benefits* first, features
> second. I feel that Microsoft have traditionally done it backwards.

Then, we should be careful to promote features first. It's Microsoft
who dominates the desktop space with 90%+ market share, not Apple. ;-)

The above example might be a little bit misleading. I like the
other one: These girls are using GNOME and Linux because of Gaim
and its functionality. This means: GNOME needs more 'Gaims' and better
'Gaims', no?

I might be wrong but this sounds to me as if we should bother to
communicate GNOME's benefits to other developers first, so they make
rocking applications for the GNOME platform. Then, we are able to
promote GNOME to end users by promoting their applications.

It would rock if somebody with a clue about the dev. platform starts a
comprehensible list for others to learn these benefits.

Otherwise we would need to code most of our applications ourselves,
like Apple does. Probably with a similar success, but without the
coolness factor of the hardware, and without the advantage of being one
of the leading providers of home computers for years. Doesn't sound
that promising, IMHO.

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