Hi :o)

On Sat, 2006-07-15 at 01:13 +0200, AMAZIGH Aneglus wrote:
> > Eek, the website I'm working on is plastered with them :) I wouldn't say
> > they are great though either, I mainly found it handy so as to provide
> > links to places I feel deserve coverage on every page. Also, I'm not
> > such a great graphic artist, so such things, along with tango icons,
> > make my websites more colourful ;)
> >
> if the website you are talking about is [1]. I find it great !

Coar ! Someone looked at my website ! And I get feedback, and it isn't
even my birthday ! Thanks !

> Main quality clear/simple, colors are fine (evenif 2 colors).
> You may :
> - use only one page, there isn't (today) enough content to make several pages.

The content is coming ;) I changed it quite a bit yesterday, the website
is geared to be released with the next version of glipper. After, we
will add gconf support and such then it will be 1.0 time ! (we may not
be great at versioning this, but we have to call it something :) At this
point we will suggest inclusion in GNOME (might as well mention that
now ;).

> - provide 2 css left/right handed people. Actually it would be really
> usefull if this kind of css were supported by browsers, so  that it
> choose automatically the right css. Some think that menus should be on
> the right side for right handed people...

I didn't know this was important for handedness, I could just as easily
stuck this on the right...

> - add current stable/unstable version number with release date in a
> good place (may be just under the logo). I find this too desapointing
> to have to look into the news or in CVS to know if the project is dead
> or not...

That is a very nice idea, I have thought this before, but completely
forgotten about it and probably wouldn't have implemented it. Thanks.

> - Who is working on this project ?

That page is to come, as well as how to join in, translate....

> - use ALT+PrtScr to take screenshot of a window. The screenshot
> utility support effects (I know about shadow, it looks like the only
> one) but I don't how to use it with the shortcut. You may create a new
> bind. or use this handy command :

This is what I used, is there something wrong with the shots, apart from
the missing transparency in the top corners (gnome-screenshot bug I
think) ?

> gnome-screenshot --window --border-effect=shadow --delay=5

A drop shadow seems like a good idea, I'll do that next time. Thanks for
that, I didn't know about this functionality. You do realise this means
I now have to edit the help don't you ? :o)

> [2] this one, is just 'too much' but could be revelant somewhere...

Yes, *too* much. A more minimalistic website could be nice, with ways to
submit buttons etc. A "fancywebsitebuttons.org" site could be a benefit
to the libre movement I think, generating interest and a web of links...

I'm planning of at least making a template of this site, with a set of
different stylesheets available for other projects. To be frank, many
libre software sites are horrible, I think they should at least comply
with standards. I may even write a gtk app, that stores site content in
a sqllite database (for example) and spits out static html. No messing
about on the server, and existing sites con just be copy pasted into the
software. I'm sure some hackers could find this useful ;)

Love, Karderio

> [1] http://glipper.sourceforge.net/ (.com redirect to 3w.sourceforge.net)
> [2] 
> http://www.everdusk.be/index.php?page=FR_Plug_in_Gimp_Screenshot_with_style

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