El dv 14 de 07 del 2006 a les 22:33 +0200, en/na karderio va escriure:

> Here is my attempt  at a large "Made for GNOME" button.

I like the design. However, shouldn't be better a "Made with GNOME"
button? "Made for GNOME" reminds me too much the infamous "Optimized for
Browser X" buttons.

"Made with GNOME" shows the capabilities of the GNOME desktop or
development platform and it doesn't show an exclusive approach (GNOME
applications can work in non-GNOME environments).

I was even thinking of a provocative "Made in GNOME", as if being a
"territory" where GNOME_is_People work, love and live.  :)

Quim Gil /// http://desdeamericaconamor.org | http://guadec.org

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