> Cool! I also used a path model:

I agree on this path. It's the Road to Enlightenment I suggested for the
use cases.  :)

I shouldn't be talking about navigation bars yet, but I'll try. This
structure could bring us to a nav bar like this:

[GNOME logo]  Know - Try - Learn - Work - Join - Enjoy!

Know = About
Try = Download
Learn = Support
Work = Development
Join = Community
Enjoy! = the "Fresh" show & candy page suggested at

Foundation could be better under Community, I think. In any case, aren't
the foundation.gnome.org pages something out of wgo? We just need a page
or something explaining there is a GNOME Foundation and link to fgo. 

Contact, I still don't see it's needed in the primary nav bar. Many
times the contact details are under About... (Know) and, as almost
always, a small link in the footer is enough.

> A sitemap link as mentioned by Quim could go into the footer -- it's a
> usual place for sitemap links.

Mmm yes, perhaps. Think though that it's not the wgo sitemap but the map
of GNOME subsites (in progress at
http://live.gnome.org/GnomeWeb/GnomeSubsites )

> I admit 'Support' and 'Community' is a little bit fuzzy

Learn and Join help differentiating what is each section about.

> Overall, I think, the layout is sufficient.

Yes. A good thing about working with a CMS is that we don't need to
carve this structure in stone. What is interesting is to have a list of
the pages we want for the release and a sensible way to organize them.
We can always polish details afterward.

I think your proposed structure contains more pages than needed in order
to keep wgo small yet useful and pretty cool. We could group some pages
in a single one providing links to other subsites. And the organization
makes sense, yes.

Quim Gil /// http://desdeamericaconamor.org | http://guadec.org

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