I was thinking about submitting something like this as a panel for OSBC.

As internet applications become more pervasive, the line between the desktop
and the internet becomes less clear. Users may not care if an application is
native or SaaS and they may not know where their files end up. It's up to
software projects to figure out how best to address this new model. Should
your files live on your computer or in the cloud? Where should they be
backed up? Does it make any sense for any of your data to be on your laptop?
How should the desktop create a seamless environment for the user? And how
does an open source software project address this differently than a
traditional proprietary project?

Come hear what different projects are planning to address the new user
experience created by merging desktop and network.

Representatives from:
- GNOME 3.0
- Online desktop project
- Google apps
- Maemo
- ?

Thoughts, ideas?

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