
Jaap A. Haitsma wrote:
Many people liked this option when we discussed it compared to the old system
5000$ < 50
10000$ > 50

If you think 5 are too many I'd go for 3
1000$ < 10 employees
5000$ < 100 employees
20000$ > 1000 employees

No members between 100 and 1000 employees?

How about something more like this:

$3000 <= 10 employees or $1M revenues
$10000 <= 50 employees or $5M revenues
$20000 > 50 employees or $5M revenues

I'm in favour of increasing dues for existing advisory board members, with their agreement of course.

My idea for a premium fee was to help smaller companies. If you say a
premium package costs 30K it will be to expensive for small companies.
For a company with less than 10 people paying 1000$ a year (in my
proposal) paying an extra fee of say 10K$ might be worth it, when
there are perks like travel vouchers etc.

Again, I want to point out that there are 2 distinct issues here: advisory board membership (where the fee is important, but the strategic alignment with GNOME is more important) and sponsorship (where strategic alignment is unimportant, and we'll take your money whoever you are).

The simple principle to follow for sponsorship is: if you pay more, you get more. The size of the company shouldn't even enter into consideration, it's the size of your contribution which matters.

There is a certain charm in saying that a small guy who makes a proportionately larger donation should get more than a big guy making the same donation, but at the end of the day a $50,000 from Google is worth more to the GNOME Foundation than a $1000 donation from me, even though $1000 is probably comparatively more money to me. So why shouldn't Google get more thanks for giving more?

The reason I thought of this is because someone needed a premium sponsorship
to include GUADEC. Again, it's about getting approval and it's easier to get
approval once internally for one thing than to have to go back for all the
line items.

We'll have to see in the report, but I think most companies gave the same
amount they would have given if it was just GUADEC - I'm not sure we made
twice as much by combining the conferences. Not to say there aren't other
benefits ...

Which report are you talking about?

The Gran Canaria Desktop Summit financial report, presumably.

Looks like a decent package to me. (Stormy I think you beat all of us
in the brainstorm :-) )

Comments? I think we should work it out further now to a concrete
proposal with the right numbers

I do like the idea of a sponsorship package, but I can't insist enough that it be completely separate from the advisory board, and be associated with the level of donation rather than size of the donor. The package (except for the advisory board seat) looks great. You would just need to chop it up in appropriate chunks to reflect contribution levels.

Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
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