
Is there any possibility of either web-casting or video-conferencing this event? Or at the very least recording it for later consumption?

I (and I presume others in the world) would love to attend and contribute, but I have no hope of being there physically. I appreciate that this could be expensive and/or a hassle, so I expect the answer "no". But perhaps the GNOME powers-that-be could investigate setting up infrastructure for this purpose in future events?

I would think that Google, being the tech-savvy company that they are
probably does have some videoconferencing facilities.  Would be good
to check out what they might be able to offer us.

Though, their videoconferencing services might only work between various
Google offices, so it might depend on whether or not interested people
have a nearby Google office that they could visit.  This might work well
for people in the bay area, for example.

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