
I'd like to offer another opinion:

On Tue, 2010-02-23 at 08:51 -0700, Stormy Peters wrote:
> So I really don't think that naming releases after endangered species
> will make us look like an endangered species. And I think being
> associated with cute animals is almost always a good thing. 


Nevertheless, a potential problem is confusion. People usually have
better things to do than carefully reading our ads. Mixing _two_ themes
-- namely GNOME's goal and that of another cause -- may result in people
thinking, the ads are about the other cause.

This is extremely likely in this case: GNOME is a rather abstract
product while an animal is not. Thus, people will recall the animal but
not the message about GNOME.

In fact, this also happens every now and then in campaigns created by
professional agencies.

> But I do like the idea of picking a humanitarian cause more related to
> us. Is there something in the developing world or technology related
> that we can link to? Could we pick animals in areas we'd like to help?

Sounds cool, but let's be realistic: Getting *one* message in the minds
of people is already tough. Companies with much more money than us spend
millions on this and still fail rather often. 

Why should we burden ourselves with a second message?


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