Due to the complete derailment of the thread in which I posted my concerns
about the marketing effort going off the rails due to the radical
redefinition of what Gnome 3 is at the UX Hackfest, I believe that we need
to meet to discuss some strategy by which we can put the marketing train
back on-track and find a definition of what--exactly--Gnome 3 is. Two
options are:

   1. start a thread on d-d-l where Lefty and RMS aren't present and
   explictly ask that only developers participate
   2. run a poll using the polling software from which we would
   get consensus and then articulate what we find back to the larger Gnome
   community (definition by mob)

Let's meet to discuss candidly on #marketing. Here is a Doodle link. Please
select a time:
marketing-list mailing list

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