Stormy Peters wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 6:09 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna <>
> wrote:
>         We didn't do this for 2.0 which fed into a lot of rage on a
>         number of forums.  Nobody could understand why we were
>         removing features or the philosophy behind it.  Because of
>         that history, Gnome 3.0 will fall into the same cycle.  Let's
>         hope we can avoid doing it this time with a little forethought
>         now that we are a lot more mature project. :-)
> So my concern isn't making sure everyone agrees or even gets it but
> rather that everyone who wants to can explain why we did it (or at
> least point to somewhere that does explain.)
> Is someone willing to go through archives and talk to the people close
> to the decision to try to document the features and rationale?

That was my plan for the shell design page. I'm familiar with most of
the design principles as well as the documentation which has been
produced. I can also dredge the lists, and I can harass Jon and Jimmac
if it comes down to it. :)

Sri's comments earlier in this thread point to the desire for an
evidence base or some kind of research into the shell. I think we do
have some good material there, as I pointed out on desktop-devel
recently [1]. We need that in a public place too.


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