> So, my observations regarding KDE4 on slashdot and other forums are
> that users are nuts.  KDE 4.0 was released as a "preview release" and
> people were bitching constantly about regressions despite whatever was
> said about it.  Basically, they've decided that if you put 4.0 in
> front of it it means that it is stable and is ready to use and has all
> the bells and whistles like the last release.  "3.0 == stable"  Now
> for us we aren't going to have everything at 3.0, and I'm hoping GNOME
> users are a lot better at accepting this than KDE users were.  I have
> no idea where you get that kind of idea in software.  Nobody believes
> that a dot oh of anything is going to be completely stable.  We need
> to be on our guard there as I don't believe we will be feature
> complete by release.
> Now as for previews itself, I think we will need to do that so that it
> is constantly mentioned.  I would like to put something in slashdot
> and other forums that it is available and it is a preview release.
> With the final release in mind, we will need to seed the expectation
> that GNOME 3.0 will iteratively be feature complete a year after
> release or something and will continue in a different direction.

I think it's fair for users to expect that a dot oh release should be
stable and ready for the vast majority of use cases. There might be the
odd niggle, but the essential functionality should be there. I would in
no way want people to get the impression that 3.0 will not be 'feature
complete'. (Please, let's not use that phrase; it could backfire

What we can do is spread the word that we have lots of cool and exciting
plans for the 3.x release series. 3.0 will be great, and it will
continue to get better and better in the months and years to come.


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