Sure, I can help.  What do you want specifically?  I was going to do one on
gnome shell extensions because I find that of interest.  Of course if you
have a particular theme in mind we can go with that.


-- Sriram Ramkrishna ( (remove _@@_)

On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 8:05 AM, Paul Cutler <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Sumana and I have (well, mostly Sumana) have been talking and planning
> some upcoming issues of GNOME Journal.  We're currently working on a
> special edition with GNOME Hispano, and we'd like to quickly follow
> that with an issue focused on GNOME 3.0.  The GNOME 3.0 issue is
> tentatively scheduled for for April 3rd, right before the 3.0 release.
>  We're looking for articles on the new features, updates to
> applications, interviews, you name it - and we need your help!
> Please let Sumana and I know if you'd like to contribute an article.
> You can ping us in #gnome-journal on IRC or feel free to shoot us an
> email or reply on the gnome-journal list.
> Thanks!
> Paul
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