On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 9:59 AM, Allan Day <allanp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The danger of a GNOME tweak tool is that it sends the message that GNOME
> 3 isn't appropriate or ready for some users or use-cases. We need to be
> very clear - GNOME 3 is ready. It works without the need to tweak.
> (People can install whatever they want on their machines, and they can
> play around with them as they see fit, of course.)

OTOH, if we refrain from creating one, many tweak tools will pop. Sort
of what Ubuntu had a few years ago... and I bet still has: a bazillion
tools that do a lot of not-really-smart stuff to "tweak" and "enhance"
your desktop.

But of course, having such module means we will get a bug for
absolutely every configuration key in existence... which would make me
say that we don't really want the plumbing module.
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