Jason D. Clinton wrote:
> A first production attempt of launch video #2 is available here.
> Comments, please. The sooner, the better because two more will be
> produced tomorrow.
> http://people.gnome.org/~jclinton/gnome3_launch_videos/gnome3_launch_video2_beta.webm

Amazing! I'm so excited about having these; and they look so slick!

I have a couple of suggestions... they are small niggles - totally
ignore them if they are too much hassle.

 * Lorem ipsum: realistic content would be better. I'll be online in a
couple of hours - ping me and I can work something up for you if you'd

 * 'it's as easy as that': unnecessary, I think. It could be pulled.

 * Hearing the script out loud, I realise that the script I wrote could
be better. There are some repetitions of 'screen', for instance. Here
are some alternatives:

'With GNOME 3, you can easily make a window fill half the screen. To do
this, drag the window as before, but push it to one side. This is really
useful, because you can use it to easily view two windows at once.'

'Again, each window can be returned to normal by dragging it away from
the screen edge.'

Many thanks,

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