On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 14:37, Olav Vitters <o...@vitters.nl> wrote:
> I've created a page on live.gnome.org to describe the things which needs
> to be figured out:
> https://live.gnome.org/MigrateWwwGnomeOrg

Thanks for this, Olav! I filled the list with some more things. The
two main points I can see are: (the others are just about copying
files and creating redirect links afaik)

- Split of projects.gnome.org and people.gnome.org from gnomeweb-wml

^ Can this be done before the switch?

- Migrate Friends of GNOME (and ruler) to gnomeweb-wp repo

FoG have the only pieces that should stay together with the new
website that still uses WML. Pages should go be place back in HTML --
am I right?

Who can we contact to cover this and the other things?


Vinicius Depizzol <vdepiz...@gmail.com>
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