
I am looking at http://wptest.gnome.org/. There has been a huge work done
since last time I looked at it, wow! Here are a few quick comments,

In the front page,

*For more GNOME news:
*I would not point at planet.go in first place, especially for people
discovering GNOME it might be confusing. I see planet.go more as "the voice
of the community" than a news feed for everybody. Maybe we should point at
twitter feed or the whole archive of the main page news, or?

On the bottom links,

*The GNOME project
*I would rename "teams" to "The GNOME Community" the same way as "The GNOME
Foundation". It would include also the people's map, traditional meetings
(confs, hackfest), the https://live.gnome.org/CodeOfConduct, link to
planet.go etc. So it is more *people* oriented than just a team list.

*I would rename "Applications" to "GNOME Applications"

*Products / GNOME is free software
*I would add a link to a page "GNOME is free software". The page would
explain what is free software, link to GPL, LGPL and source code.

*Wikis are used for so many things, I would rename "wiki" to "Live
documentation (wiki)"
I would rename "Code hosting" to "[Browse ]GNOME source code"
I would not link to jhbuild, this is pretty hot for a high level entry.

*Resources / User support
*It think there should be a top level entry, in first place, for users only:
"User support". I am a user, I am lost on jhbuild page, where should I go?
Documentation, forums, ml, irc, bug reports, etc. The GNOME support portal
[1], and the GNOME support Forums [2] are doing a pretty good job here too.
[1] http://gnomesupport.org/
[2] http://gnomesupport.org/forums/
I am not sure who is behind and what is the relation between gnome and
gnomesupport though i think they should work hand in hand (or foot in foot?)

*overall I feel it is missing a place for general news on gnome. Another
source for news is footnotes (http://gnomedesktop.org/) which used to do a
pretty good job, though seems a bit down recently. Again, foot in foot work
would be great!

I would put identi.ca and twitter on the same line, as the content is
identi.cal: "GNOME tweets at identi.ca or twitter"

*On the language selection:
*It is pretty neat :) though I feel it non obvious. map = language? is
click-able? I found it by chance. Isn't it all the opposite of GNOME design
philosophy? An arrow down would help. Or why not just a simple permanent
language list?

Another idea: why not keep this "underground" for developer resource links?
And use the grassy middle ground for users, partners and press?
(the separation line could be more like grass/soil with little stones and

GNOME 3.0 Desktop* http://wptest.gnome.org/desktop/
I would simplify the first sentence as "Get things done with ease, comfort
and control"

*<P>aragraphs in general
*would be much easier to read if line's width would be much shorter (like in
newspapers!) therefore organizing paragraphs in columns or boxes. For
example: http://wptest.gnome.org/get-involved/

I could make a more thorough review and also help on content if you like.


On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 01:51, Andreas Nilsson <nisses.m...@home.se> wrote:

> I won't go about with some kind of inpirational blah-blah-blah about how
> the last steps of climbing a mountain, when you are closest to the top are
> the hardest, because I never did that. I saw some dude on TV saying that
> though.
> Anyway.
> http://wptest.gnome.org/ is design-wise in a pretty good shape. What's
> needed right now is taking it the last steps and making it a great website
> for our great project. For this to happen we need to sharpen the focus of
> it, make sure the texts and images are good and that everything works as
> expected when we launch GNOME 3.
> There are some darlings to be killed, some very dear ones. But this is
> needed in order to get the most fundamental parts in place.
> The basic navigation would be:
> home | about | desktop | applications | developer technologies
> Home - (very) Brief introduction, latest news and all that.
> About - Our community, history, organization etc.
> Desktop - Present shell (pretty much lifting info from
> http://www.gnome3.org/), Control Center, etc.
> Applications - The really cool applications we want to highlight. You know,
> Banshee, Deja-dup, Gedit and those guys from the GNOME Apps module [1]
> Developer  tech - Languages, GTK+, Clutter, Gstreamer, Telepathy and all
> those guys.
> I expect us to figure out the exact subpages along the way, but if these
> guys are the basis and I want to start in that end. Allan have said he would
> help with the content, myself will be doing some design stuff and Vdepizzol
> will be taking care of the translation stuff the following weeks leading up
> to the GNOME 3 Hackfest in Bangalore. I hope we'll be done with most of the
> basics by then and are as close to deployment as possible. Final release
> would be together with GNOME 3 on April 6th.
> Me and Allan also created a Etherpad document here:
> http://etherpad.tugraz.at/x593dDuQ2C
> 1.
> http://git.gnome.org/browse/jhbuild/plain/modulesets/gnome-apps-3.0.modules
> - Andreas
> --
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