Hi all,

Thanks to everyone who came to yesterday's meeting, it was really
productive. I've added my minutes to the meeting wiki page [1]. They
make a good summary of where GNOME marketing is right now - so do have
a look. Also, please to add to them if i missed anything!

Here's a reminder of the actions that we agreed on:

 * 2010/11 annual report - Karen, Emily and Juanjo to get the annual
report committee up and running; Karen and Emily are going to send out
a call for more volunteers.

 * Campaigns - Juanjo to contact the a11y team and see where their
fund raising proposal is at and to report back to the marketing list.

 * GNOME Journal - Sri and Emily to follow up with sysadmin in order
to get the new site up and running.

 * GNOME Journal / News - Allan to send a summary of the options for
developing our news sites to the marketing list.

 * Websites - Allan, Andrea and Andreas are going to to speak to
Vincius about some of the technical requirements involved in getting
the Foundation site ported to the new gnome.org.

I think it would be good to have another meeting in a couple of weeks.
What does everybody else think?


[1] https://live.gnome.org/GnomeMarketing/MarketingTeamMeetings/21OCT2011
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