On Sun, October 23, 2011 1:19 pm, Oliver Propst wrote:
> On the last meeting we briefly discussed an idea to
> interview the members of the GNOME Foundation advisory board
> and publish one interview every month in the GNOME Journal.
> I propose we use 5 standard questions for the interviews.
> It would be great if Karen could email the questions to one
> representative of each company/organization on the board
> and collect the answers. I suggest that we wait to publish any
> interview before the future of GNOME Journal has been decided.

Thanks for writing this up, Oliver! I really like this idea of
interviewing advisory board members. These questions are a good start, I
think, but we should also ask questions that are more targeted at the
particular advisory board member and how that company uses GNOME and
participates in our community.The more focused the questions we can ask,
the better the interview will read. That said, we've got to start from
somewhere, and it will be really helpful to have a list of general
question to start from.

> The questions are just suggestions.
> x=company/organization name
> The email could look something like this
> (rough draft)
> [name], the GNOME marketing team are conducting an
> interview serie with the members of the GNOME foundation advisory board.
> We would appreciate if you as a representative for x could
> answer the following questions.
> *How long have x been a member of the
> Gnome Foundation advisory board?

We may have better access to this kind of information than the advisory
board rep, if they weren't the company's rep from the beginning. We could
probably add information like this ourselves in the intro to the
Maybe instead we could ask how that member started using GNOME?

> *How would you describe x relationship with the GNOME foundation today?
> *How are x using GNOME/GNOME technology?

How about adding some questions like:

* What do you hope will be incorporated into GNOME in the future?

* What do you think GNOME's biggest challenge is?

> *Do x support the GNOME project in any other way then being a member
> of the advisory board, if so how?
> *Anything else you want to add?
> We plan to publish the interview in a
> future edition of the GNOME Journal.

Does anyone else have any other basic questions to add? I think this is a
good thing to pick up along with revitalizing the GNOME Journal.


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