Hi Joanie,

On 11/24/2011 06:18 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Periodically I wonder about projects.gnome.org versus live.gnome.org:
Some modules and groups use one, some use the other, others use both. As
I'm currently in the process of cleaning up the Orca wiki (and recently
did the same for the Accessibility Team wiki), I figured I'd wonder
aloud this time: Are there any plans, expectations, etc. regarding one
versus the other?

projects.g.o is a set of web-pages where you control everything that gets published - html, css, javascript, etc. It gives more flexibility, if you want to do some layout that's hard in the GNOME wiki. The wiki is an easy lo-fi way for a project to have a web presence, but because anyone can change pages, it's sometimes harder to maintain (you might want to look at MoinMoin ACLs as a way to limit who can change your project's wiki page).

A projects page is stored in Git, and deployed directly on commit with a post-commit hook. So editors need access to Git, and need to be comfortable editing web pages. The wiki lowers the barrier to editing the web page, but, well, it's a wiki...

Horses for courses...


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
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