
On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 9:47 AM, Joanmarie Diggs <jdi...@igalia.com> wrote:
> Hey Dave, all.
> On Fri, 25 Nov 2011 09:45:03 +0100, Dave Neary <dne...@gnome.org> wrote:
>> Hi Joanie,
>> On 11/24/2011 06:18 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
>>> Periodically I wonder about projects.gnome.org versus live.gnome.org:
>>> Some modules and groups use one, some use the other, others use both. As
>>> I'm currently in the process of cleaning up the Orca wiki (and recently
>>> did the same for the Accessibility Team wiki), I figured I'd wonder
>>> aloud this time: Are there any plans, expectations, etc. regarding one
>>> versus the other?
>> projects.g.o is a set of web-pages where you control everything that
>> gets published - html, css, javascript, etc. It gives more
>> flexibility, if you want to do some layout that's hard in the GNOME
>> wiki. The wiki is an easy lo-fi way for a project to have a web
>> presence, but because anyone can change pages, it's sometimes harder
>> to maintain (you might want to look at MoinMoin ACLs as a way to limit
>> who can change your project's wiki page).
>> A projects page is stored in Git, and deployed directly on commit
>> with a post-commit hook. So editors need access to Git, and need to be
>> comfortable editing web pages. The wiki lowers the barrier to editing
>> the web page, but, well, it's a wiki...
> Yeah, I've been using both p.g.o and l.g.o for Accessibility and Orca. I'll
> definitely check out MoinMoin ACLs. Thank for that tip!
> But really what I was wondering is: Are projects encouraged to do "whatever
> floats their boat" with respect to these tools? For instance, on a couple of
> different occasions I've made casual reference to projects.gnome.org and had
> someone comment "I thought p.g.o. was 'deprecated'." And then there's this
> (out of date, but still hanging around) page:
> https://live.gnome.org/GnomeGoals/WikiMigration.

Vinicius has been working on porting projects.gnome.org to Wordpress
[1]. There was a thread about this recently on the web list [2].

I think that we should be working towards a situation where each
project can have two pages - one for end users and one for
contributors. It looks to me like projects.gnome.org is turning into
the former. It would make sense to use live.gnome.org for the latter.


[1] http://wptest.gnome.org/projects/gnome-tweak-tool/
[2] https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-web-list/2011-November/msg00001.html
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