On Tue, 2012-04-17 at 19:23 -0700, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
> Why?  Because we would have to argue what set of components is
> equivalent to "powered by GNOME".  The argument might seem simple
> until you actually start doing it.  There might be maintainers who
> might object to having their project labeled as "powered by GNOME"
> because it would feel like we were taking advantage of them.  There is
> also the whole GNU/Linux mess..  

Why would there be an argument?  I don't think anyone here is assuming
that we're going to go around like some Labeling Police to these other
projects and insist they include "powered by GNOME" somewhere in their
offerings.  Its completely up to them to decide whether to have the
label or not.

If they feel some inner sense of ethical duty to pay homage to GNOME
with "powered by GNOME" labeling, awesome.  If they choose not to, their


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