
On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 4:48 PM, Ismaël Grammenidis
<ismael.grammeni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> 2010/11/13 Johannes Bausch
>> Okay, I see your points. But still, I'd rather have some kind of
>> decision which logo and which symbol to use. I for my part find it
>> frustrating if I work on something which isn't used afterwards (okok I
>> should have thought about that before making the suggestion of a
>> competition).
> Try designing neutral, clean and fresh, and add the colours later.
> --
> Regards,
> Ismaël Grammenidis
> 2010/11/13 David Nelson
>> One of the rules of entry could be that, if their work wins, entrants
>> should be willing to contribute to LibO/TDF in the long-term, and be
>> part of the process of developing and maintaining their material.
> I think you hit the nail there. This is exactly the problem we have faced at
> OOo. People design and then dissappear. And to be honest, I can not blame
> them. People's priorities change, and sometimes they do not have time
> anymore to contribute to the project. On the other hand, we can also have a
> situation where the designer is overprotecting "his" design and wants it to
> stay "his contribution". This is why I prefer to talk about submitting a
> design "proposal" where other contributors may add or change things. With
> this in (open) mind we can reach more rather than just picking one "best"
> design and stick with it. The point is to create an evolution in the design
> until we have reached exactly that what would reflect the core values and
> goals of the community.
> Second, how do we want to spell the name of the product? Libre Office or
> Libreoffice or LibreOffice or LIBRE-OFFICE?
> There are a lot of things to discuss about before the actual designing can
> begin.

Please, see our branding guidelines, and logo usage, all is described here :

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