Well, we can have the primary items listed, but then add things like "Export to PDF", or other things that LO does that MSO either does not do or does not do well.

What we need is a check list that shows potential users that LO does what MSO does for their documents needs, plus LO does things that MSO does not do.

I have people ask me can LO do this or that. One lady thought she could not use LO on her Word documents, since "only Word can do these, right?". I could not convince her that LO could do everything she did with MSO. She was suckered by Best Buy people stating she had to have MSO to work with MSO files and no "free" [used as it was a bad word] software can do the same work as MSO could. All she did was type letters and other documents that are the "bread-and-butter" work of 90% of a word processing user. Best Buy people could not be wrong, in her mind, so I must be. They just wanted her $150 basic MSO sale.

If we had some "documented proof" on LO's abilities compared to MSO, then we can show these people that LO will work for them. I may be calling Best Buy soon and ask their manager why their tech/sales person told that lie to my friend. I have been working with computers longer than that "expert" has been alive, yet he gets to lie to his customers about LO cannot read/write MSO files when it has done so since it first came out. When I use to work tech support and sales for a store [for a year or so] if you were caught telling a customer that a some other product can not do something when it could, you could loose your job. Well, I do not want to go on with that thought.

But, LO is in need of some documentation that compares itself with MSO, AND stating it can do all the different things that MSO does for 90% of the users of MSO and does it without costing you MSO's prices. You can download it free and download its updates for free, etc., etc.. Most people I know will not take something as true, unless you have the documentation to back it up. We need that documentation to increase our market share in the Windows OS market.

We need to prove to the "average" Windows user that LO can do everything they want to do, and do it without paying MS's fees to do it. I just wish we could convince a PC vendor to include LO with their systems, but that might violate MS's rules that if you have Windows OS, you cannot have MS competition software on it as well.

On 11/16/2011 07:44 PM, Italo Vignoli wrote:
On 11/16/11 12:09 AM, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:

The linked list is a start, but having a side by side function
comparison between Writer and Word, Calc and Excel, etc., is needed.
A few thoughts:

- all main office suites share over 90% of the features, and this gives
Microsoft a real advantage (because the company can advertise features)
but allows us to say that all features are there (this is the reality,
unless you are looking for something really specific)

- 80% of users access less than 10% of features (maybe less than 5%),
and this makes a large number of features completely irrelevant for the
majority of the users (sometimes, they do not find features just because
the menu is not there, as the famous - missing - Table menu of OOo 1.0,
while the feature was there, even better than MS Office)

- Microsoft bets on features, because they have an higher count of them
(if done on a table), although they know that features are irrelevant
for the choice of the office suite

- maintaining a feature to feature comparison is very time consuming,
and would not bring - in my opinion - significant advantages to us, as
the history of OOo shows: the awareness was key to increase downloads
while features were completely irrelevant (Sun betted on features to get
nothing, the community worked on awareness to get very good results)

Anyway, this is just my opinion.

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