At th risk of starting another heated discussion, we need to decide, and, I think it important the marketing team think about this. By "team", I mean the regular members on this list who actually contribute to the work, discussions and decision making, which is why you are on this list. For the others who are on this list just to monitor, well, I only wish you could join in and help out, we need you.

Do we want the LibreOffice Marketing section to move to the forums?

My proposal is that we test-try for a few months with leaving both mailing list and forums (I would suggest 9 months to a year). If we find that we gain more interest/contributors from the forums, then a move, IMO, would be good. If not, we can all commit to transfer any information from the forums back to the mailing list if we need to do this.

Who knows, we may decide to keep both, the forums as an entry point for potential marketing contributors and the mailing lists to do the bulk of the work, planning, discussion etc.

We are a LibreOffice section where, I would consider, in "dire" need of more marketing contributors.

* Not only should we be "leading the charge" with marketing materials (in joint partnership with the design team), but we also have other important roles to fill such as:

* we should be helping with vetting all materials being put out by the TDF/LibreOffice. We should be checking materials for EN grammar, syntax, cohesion, both, before the materials are published (important!), and, after publication (review and improvement of text). At present we are doing very-little to not-at-all of this. We need people who are very adept with the EN language for this.

* keeping up the wiki pages for the marketing materials that are developed (this is already a big job unto itself -- we would need a couple of people to take care of this)

* monitor the NL groups and help catalogue their marketing materials into EN for potential global use. A good example are the DE and PT-BR communities who publish materials that could be adapted for EN-global use.

* help all other sections of the wiki to make sure that the wiki is representative of the TDF/LibreOffice brand and make sure that the brand is protected on these pages.

* we need help to re-new our Marketing wiki pages (something that I have promised to do, but there is always something else that bumps this)

* we should also make sure the TDF/LibreOffice websites are representative of the brand/values of the project and help out with text on the site(s)

Although the project started quite strong with organizing the marketing team, we have recently fallen quite short in filling in our responsibilities. In large part, this is the result of LibreOffice's stratospheric rise bringing with it demands unto the very few of us who are at work on the project (bearing different responsibilities) and having too few to help out. Although our numbers in dev contributors have kept pace, so far, our team contributors have seem very little increase in months and are in need of attention.

So, should we try a forums for the marketing section?



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