Le 2012-10-12 18:29, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :
One more thing : I expect that after Berlin we will change the focus of
this marketing list  to a more task based mailing list. Right now the list
is not productive and has no focus, and we need to change that. In this
context I would very wellsee the forum working as a "catchall" suggestions
and ideas for Libreoffice and marketing. What do you think?



Sounds like a good idea.

However, I would still like the idea that, from a philosophical point of view, we use any contributor forums as an entry-point for interested users to move from one of user-centric to contributor. This, from my point of view, would be one of the tasks (I would like to see this as more of a mandate from the BoD) of the forums coordinators (we are 5) as well as moderators (so far, we have 7-9 interested members (some of whom include the coordinators)).

As far as moving the marketing team to a more productive and task oriented team, well, sure. However, we have to keep in mind the meritocratic base of our philosophy. If the marketing team member(s) do not feel like contributing on a task oriented model, and focus more on personal projects, then, by our own philosophy, if this shows merit and interest, it is OK. The task oriented model would have little effect. We will need more marketing members to make a task oriented model work.

As for getting the marketing team members on-board, you only need to read back through the past 50 or so marketing mailing list posts to realize that there are really only 4-5 contributor members left. IMO, we need to re-boot the marketing team, organize the marketing as you say, but also try to find ways to attract new membership to our section -- IMO, the best vehicle would be a Marketing forums.

Also, and this is crucial to making the marketing section work, we need to re-work the design section and assure some cooperation between the teams. There too, there has been a severe drop in membership (design members) and there is very little movement going on there. We have to find ways to attract membership there as well. We are well vested in UX-design members, but not with members willing to work on marketing design requests. These are the kind of members we need. To be honest, I was going to suggest that we split the design section to design and UX. The design team's work would be to work closely with the marketing team so that designs for marketing purposes would be more easily addressed.

We can catch all the ideas we want, but if we do not have any contributing marketing members along with contributing design members, these ideas will not fly.



Marc Paré
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