Hi :)
That is a +1 to all points.  I think gold or blue or the orange suggested 
rather than red but that is a minor issue.  

I think that you might even get MORE people keen to test the new branch earlier 
in it's cycle because people often like to be ahead and it would make them less 
shy about exploring and reporting issues.  We might even find that people use 
that as a route into triage.  
Regards from
Tom :)  

--- On Fri, 19/10/12, Carlo Strata <carlo.str...@tiscali.it> wrote:

From: Carlo Strata <carlo.str...@tiscali.it>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Stable? Seriously?? Fw: [tdf-announce] The 
Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.6.2
To: "marketing@global.libreoffice.org" <marketing@global.libreoffice.org>
Cc: "charles.sch...@documentfoundation.org" 
Date: Friday, 19 October, 2012, 8:43

Hi Everyone,

I think we are all in the right way. :-)

The only thing to do is let people (users) to know - from the start! - that 
there are two versions.

In this way "someone with less computer skills" can directly choose either the 
conservative branch or fall back to it (and not to OpenOffice or something 
else...) if he initially choose the newer feature richer one.
"Someone with less computer skills" cannot imagine or suspect that there could 
be a conservative branch if you does not present to him immediately and clearly.

Some policies could be:
- [until 3.6.4] first order 3.5.7 "green circle" and second order 3.6.2 "orange 
- [since 3.6.4] first order 3.6.4 "green circle" and second order 3.5.7 "green 
(old) circle";
- [when 3.7.0 will be released] first order 3.6.6 "green circle" and second 
order 3.7.0 "orange (red) circle";
- and so on...

These are similar to the current "Release Notes" page or the "Pre-Releases" 
last and recent one...

That may be very useful to join our common efforts to develop, support, spread, 
... LibreOffice in the World and not to frustrate or to nullify our at-Customer 

If you want to reaches many people you must think to many needs: but don't 
worry many people in any case will be curios and always test the first releases 
from start making them better and better as soon as possible. Don't worry: you 
- we! - will not loose testers and suggesters any more!!!

Have a nice day,


ing. Carlo Strata
via Botticelli 1/4
30031 Dolo - VE
Italia - Italy
tel./fax +39.041.822.0665
cell. +39.347.85.69.824
skype carlo.strata
PEC: carlo.str...@ingpec.eu

Il 04/10/2012 23.45, Cor Nouws ha scritto:
> Hi,
> Tom Davies wrote (04-10-12 20:28)
>> Hi :) Seriously.  What is the reason for having 2 branches?
>> [...]
> Ah well, who am I to say that you can't understand it. Though the way
> this thread was started, does not show much (will for) understanding,
> IMHO. But OK, brief...
> - In each LibreOffice series, over the various minor releases,
> hundreds of bugs are fixed.
> Bugs that have their origin in the inherited OOo code (registered
> alone there were many thousands). Bugs that have been introduced by
> making new features. Bugs that have been introduced by improvements in
> code, performance. Bugs that have become visible because other bugs
> were fixed. Bugs from external reasons, bugs from ..
> - What is a simple annoyance for the one user, someone knowing ways to
> work around it in ample seconds, can be a serious bug for someone with
> less computer skills.
> - Simply having two series, allows people and (smaller) organisations
> that can handle bugs (...) more easily, to use the newer versions and
> benefit from the improvements and new features that it offers.
> And it allows them to help with further improvements in that series of
> LibreOffice, so that at a certain time it will be ready for more
> conservative, more careful, users and organisations.
> I tend to do nearly all my professional work (quotations,
> presentations, reports, mailings ...) in beta's/ dailies / developer
> builds. It's rare that that gives me too much trouble, or causes lost
> of work. It does cause me spending time on trying reporting carefully
> written bug-reports ;-)  But that's only me, and there's of course
> many functions that I only touch seldom or not at all.
> Cheers,

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