Anybody knows someone at openerp? Otherwise I'l lcontact them.


Italo Vignoli <> a écrit :

>Sorry for top posting, but I think that the idea of creating a wiki
>where we can brainstorm about the selling points for Windows (as
>Microsoft document is focused on Windows, which is their cash cow) is
>very good. All the points that have been raised so far are extremely
>good, and I think that we should pick them and paste in a starting
>I am currently working at the final version of the migration and
>training protocol for certification, and I do not have the time for
>creating this wiki page for a few days. Anyone could create the page
>though, in the Marketing area of TDF wiki:
>I would call the page "Selling Point vs MS Office", because this is the
>summary of the contents.
>Marc can definitely help in creating the page, if someone has problems
>with the wiki.
>I am definitely interested in helping with the contents, once I will
>have finished working on the certification protocols.
>On 12/29/12 10:07 PM, Jay Lozier wrote:
>> On 12/29/2012 01:12 PM, Immanuel Giulea wrote:
>>> Well to be fair, I raised three points that seemed to me were the
>>> arguments of MS feature-wise.
>>> Other arguments are listed, and my suggestion was to create a new
>>> page where we could compare (side-by-side) LO and MSO.
>>> Summary of arguments from MS against LO
>>> *Arguments about $$*
>>>   * Total costs: Business impact; like software issues, integration,
>>>     incompatibility, run-time errors, downtime, unreliable support
>>>     security vulnerability.
>> Unreliable support? MS normally offers very limited direct user
>> - 1 or 2 incidents max if I remember correctly. Most user support
>> be from a help desk (internal or external). If it is from MS it is
>> separate contract or additional costs to the licensing agreement.
>> Security is a joke because MS is notorious for shipping insecure
>> products. Run-time errors? What about BSOD for Windows? Integration
>> incompatibility are very nebulous - do they mean file formats or
>> able to access the program from another? The first is really MSO not
>> following standards and the later is a programming issue.
>>>   * Total benefit: Such as reliable supports, updates,
>>>     and security.
>>>   * Integration cost: The cost associated when you decide to use a
>>>     different software platform.
>> Different software platform - do they mean OS? If so, LO does this
>> better even if the OS/distro is not officially support because the
>> source code is available and can be compiled by someone for a very
>> specific platform. With MSO, if a version is not provide you have no
>> options (Linux version available).
>>>   * Management: Can it be easily managed? Large companies tend to
>>>     this issue because they don't have a unified system.
>> This is truly a management problem, is the management competent?
>>>   * Deployment costs: Can it handle corporate size business
>>>     productivity? In addition to the compromise or extra benefits of
>>>     software alternatives.
>> Software suitability should be determined for each case. There is no
>> blanket answer for this. MS is implying that MSO is the only answer
>> businesses when in fact it is often not. Often the issue is that a
>> company has an installed base of VB macros, etc for MSO that would
>> porting to LO
>>>   * OpenOffice/LibreOffice does not provide the same depth of
>>>     functionality as Microsoft Office as a result do not meet the
>>>     needs of some end users. This will force your organization to
>>>     manage multiple software suites potentially increasing IT costs.
>> No software meets the needs of all users because all are
>> compromises.
>>>   * When running a mixed software environment you are also running
>>>     risk of interoperability issues which could further increase IT
>>>     and helpdesk costs, inhibit productivity, and generate end users
>>>     frustration.
>> Most companies standardize on the software tools as much as possible
>> reduce these costs. However no single program/suite will cover all
>> needs so to some degree there will be a mixed software environment.
>>>   * Additional factors that could create higher costs include
>>>     integration with your existing systems and applications like ERP
>>>     and content management systems and software updates.
>> This is more of issue with the ERP and CMS software not LO per se.
>> can support LO if required by contract or if the vendor desires.
>>>   * *LibreOffice*/OpenOffice *does not allow for incremental
>>>     updates. *Instead it requires a complete uninstall and reinstall
>>>     every time you need to update the software.
>> How difficult are Windows/Mac updates? I use Linux. I am not sure
>> is a major issue if the updates are handle uninstall/reinstall
>> user intervention.
>> The cost argument is mostly bogus because it ignores the
>> purchase/licensing costs for MSO while LO/AOO are free for unlimited
>> installations.
>>> *Arguments more about features*
>>>   * Office drives increasing business value through innovations that
>>>     span basic functionality, like copy and paste, to
>>>     advanced features like business intelligence.
>> How? Most of the "business intelligence" I am aware of is located in
>> databases outside of MSO/LO thus the issue is interfacing
>> or importing the data (Calc/Excel). Importing data is fairly easy
>> Calc and Base can interface with many relational database backends if
>> desired.
>>>   * LibreOffice/OpenOffice does not deliver a complete productivity
>>>     suite. Critical components like email and calendaring are
>>>     not to mention equivalent software to Publisher, OneNote,
>>>     Contact Manager and SharePoint Workspace.
>> If they are so valuable why do some versions of MSO not include them?
>> Also, can the feature be done within LO
>> (Publisher/OneNote/BusinessContactManager) using the existing
>>>   * LibreOffice / OpenOffice also lack some commonly used
>>>     for instance; they do not ship with commonly used functionality
>>>     like user friendly ribbons, clipart, SmartArt or Pivot Charts.
>> Ribbons user friendly? Many find them poorly designed.
>> IMHO nice but not very necessary. Pivot Charts I am not sure about.
>>>   * Organizations may have to fill these application gaps with
>>>     extensions, additional software or customizations adding to cost
>>>     and complexity.
>> And they do not with MSO? The main issue for LO is that is a large
>> number of third part extensions available for MSO to extend
>> functionality that would need to be created if the functionality does
>> not already exist in LO.
>>> *Arguments about collaboration*
>>>   * Collaboration technology should facilitate ease of sharing, and
>>>     trust in the fidelity of information shared. To facilitate
>>>     collaboration, Office 2010 has many new features including
>>>     co-authoring, integration with the Microsoft Unified
>>>     Communications technologies in addition to the new online
>>>     companion applications, the Office Web Applications.
>> IMHO, MS is trying to slowly convert everyone to renting MSO by using
>> Office Web Applications. This renting is more lucrative in the long
>> lots of "small" monthly fees forever versus a one time purchase. When
>> the true costs are analyzed many may reject this model. For many the
>> major reason to upgrade from MSO XP to MSO 2013 is because XP does
>> support the MSOX file format. There are no new features they need
>> what XP already has they need. MS dropping support may not be a real
>> issue for some, they are occasional users and security issues may not
>> that critical.
>> Pushing a limited use feature for many - collaboration - as the
>> for renting MSO online as the reason for this. The are very few truly
>> new features most users want in LO or MSO that would get them excited
>> about a new release. For MS this means most people would then buy the
>> new version for the new feature. This means for any office suite many
>> users will delay upgrading to a newer version for sometime just to
>> the cost/aggravation of updating. I suspect MS is seeing this trend
>> business users and is trying find some other way to separate them
>> their money. Thus the push for online collaboration. I can remember
>> spell checkers were added and people really wanted the new version
>> the spell checking.
>>>   * People using OpenOffice/LibreOffice are limited to using
>>>     disparate email and document repositories to share and
>>>     edit documents one person at a time. To take advantage of
>>>     collaboration technologies will require additional software and
>>>     possibly more customization. In addition to sharing documents,
>>>     information formatting integrity is critical.
>> There are no external users? As soon as the an external user is added
>> this argument falls apart, they must access the document outside the
>> original organizations IT domain. Also, if the all the users are
>> internal why can they not access the documents on the internal
>> This would seem to much simpler than the convoluted methods MS is
>> talking about.
>>>   * LibreOfice/OpenOffice can read and output many file types,
>>>     vital information like formatting structures, calculations,
>>>     layout, and macros may not be preserved when sharing with non
>>>     OpenOffice/LibreOffice users.
>> What about MSO file type/version incompatibilities. Macros are a
>> but they are also a serious security risk. Document layout is often
>> determined by system default settings and the printer settings. I
>> seen different printers re-paginate a document because of mechanical
>> issues when printing from the same computer.
>>>   * Whether you have a mixed group of users or plan to share
>>>     with people outside of your organization you may not be able to
>>>     trust that people receive the document with the intended content
>>>     and formatting.
>> See above, also what do the external users need to have; are they
>> involved in editing the document? LO offers better PDF exporting than
>> MSO and often this is a better format for sharing with external
>>> *Security/Sensitive information*
>>>   * OpenOffice/LibreOffice are limited to only password protecting
>>>     files. Although password protected documents can be effective,
>>>     they do not ensure security and may cause additional complexity.
>> Older versions of MSO used a weak password protection scheme.
>> protection is useful in some situations but it is limited to the
>> strength of the password. The "complexity" of password protection
>> be judged in context of the security needs for the specific document
>> the overall system security. Also, user level protection schemes
>> passwords are dubious, IMHO, because most users do not really
>> the security methods/models to properly use them.
>>>   * Advantage and also weakness of OpenOffice/LibreOffice for being
>>>     open source software means that many users have the ability
>>>     to alter the state of the software by integrating their
>>>     own design, which could lead to security vulnerability issue.
>> Truly, how many people actually do this? I think in practical terms
>> more a theoretical issue than a practical one. Most users and
>> organizations (vast majority?) are not going to modify the code.
>> this could be a benefit for a large corporation to customize there
>> office suite to better suit their needs. I think IBM did this OO with
>> Symphony.
>>>   * Microsoft Office provides a robust set of features for securing
>>>     documents that reduces the risk and cumbersomeness of password
>>>     only protection.
>> MS security implementations have historically been poor so what
>> features? Also, are these features protecting against MS stupidities
>> which LO does not support anyway.
>>>   * Information Rights Management (IRM) allows individuals and
>>>     administrators to specify permissions to documents, workbooks,
>>>     presentations. This helps prevent sensitive information from
>>>     printed, forwarded, or copied by unauthorized people. After
>>>     permission for a file has been restricted using IRM, the access
>>>     and usage restrictions are enforced no matter where the
>>>     information is.
>> I doubt most users would correctly use this feature, they are not
>> administrators. This sounds good but can the system be bypassed by
>> anyone logging in with valid user credentials or by some with valid
>> credentials modifying the permissions?
>>> *Arguments about "Cloud"*
>>>   * OpenOffice/LibreOffice does not provide any other deployment
>>>     option besides the desktop.
>> IMHO, cloud deployment will be secondary for most users, most of the
>> time. The primary issue for users is having the tools available and
>> access to the files. If the user has access to both the tools (local)
>> and the files (external) this issue is moot. See above comment about
>> renting software.
>>>   * Microsoft provides a seamless experience across the PC, phone,
>>>     and browser.
>> Really, Linux users can not use MSO and LO can be compiled/ported to
>> other devices because the code is available Compiling/porting is not
>> trivial. MSO is limited to what MS supports (or not supports)
>>> *Future-looking arguments*
>>>   * OpenOffice/LibreOffice may be limited in providing the next
>>>     generation of productivity, cloud computing, lacking the
>>>     of enabling server and consumer collaboration technologies
>>>     likeSharePoint and SkyDrive.
>> Dropbox? UbuntuOne? AmazonWeb? There are several services for sharing
>> files between remote users. The only issue is which to chose. Also,
>> MS is pushing cloud centric models to drive users to a rental model
>> MSO. If the data is in the cloud why not have the have MSO in the
>> and charge a monthly rental fee to access both? MS probably hopes to
>> make more money this way.
>> I have one rule: If sales/marketing is pushing a "solution" I ask,
>> the solution really benefit me or does it benefit the vendor?" For
>> cloud models, I do not see any benefit for renting software for me
>> considerable benefit for the vendor. I see some benefit for sharing
>> documents between devices and others and this can be done
>> of any software.
>>>   * Choosing Microsoft Office will help ensure that you can take
>>>     advantage of the next generation of productivity software.
>> Pure marketing hype. Also, how many new features do users need? IMHO,
>> most users would like improved implementations of existing features
>> many truly new features. Make the software better at what it does and
>> make useful but obscure features more accessible/visible. For example
>> like any improvements for importing and exporting MSOX formats since
>> receive them periodically. But this is not a new feature but
>> to an existing feature.
>>> Is it possible to add this to a wiki or something please. We can
>>> on it collaboratively :)
>> +1 - see inline comments
>>> Cheers,
>>> Immanuel
>> Summary:
>> Most of MS' talking points are about collaboration with others. LO
>> offers tools for collaboration with others so this is not the real
>> issue. The issue to MS is that LO does not offer a cloud version but
>> this ignores what really is needed for collaboration. What is really
>> needed is the ability to share files with other users and numerous
>> methods services are available to do this. Where the LO is installed
>> not critical along as users have access to LO. IMHO, MS is trying to
>> push a software rental model using the cloud versus a software
>> model. The rental model is likely to make more money for MS over the
>> life of the product. Assuming an annual rental of about $300
>> one can easily spend more over time than if they purchased. LO and
>> use the purchase model, the user installs locally but since LO and
>> are both free the user has unlimited downloads/installs to any
>> Another point is that MS is saying they support a wide variety of
>> devices which is not strictly true, they do not support many OS'. LO
>> AOO have many official versions available for many devices but
>> the source code is available users are able to compile/port either to
>> any device. One can argue LO and AOO can potentially support all
>> on the market while MS only supports selected devices/OS'  with
>> unsupported users having no options.
>> IMHO the MS security features are probably more dangerous because
>> allow untrained users to make important security decisions. While
>> are potential benefits the problem is that most users are well versed
>> security issues. Thus they are liable to make serious mistakes when
>> implementing anything beyond password protection of a document. Also,
>> has a long, dismal history with security issues so why should one
>> they implemented best practices.
>> Most direct feature comparisons are disingenuous because LO/AOO often
>> implement the same feature/functionality differently. Some cases
>> has a better implementation and in some cases MSO has the better one.
>> Also, when one downloads LO/AOO one gets the entire suite while MSO
>> offered with different retail selections so direct comparison should
>> specify which MSO retail selection is being discussed. LO is clearly
>> more feature rich than the less expensive MSO variants by virtue of
>> including everything.
>> Integration with Outlook, IMHO, sounds good but is really not that
>> useful and the principal functionality can be replaced by other FOSS
>> options.
>Italo Vignoli -
>mob +39.348.5653829 - VoIP
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