Hi everyone and Italo,

Le 2012-11-18 05:46, Marc Paré a écrit :
Le 2012-11-17 15:23, Jean Weber a écrit :
On 18/11/2012, at 0:37, Marc Paré<m...@marcpare.com> wrote:

Hi Italo,

Le 2012-11-17 07:50, Italo Vignoli a écrit :
Hi Marc, no objection at all. If you take the lead on this item, I
am willing to help (but I don't want to be a bottleneck, as I am
really swamped).

Thanks, Italo

Italo Vignoli

Thanks for the response. There is not much to do. I will only be
moving the FAQ to the About Us section on the site (a redirection FAQ
page will remain, but hidden from the menu, so that sites linking to
that page will not get an ERROR window). And the data that is non
specifically pertinent to the subject of "About Us" will be moved to
the Ask Libo site.

I will not be adding any content unless someone wishes me to do this.



Marc, I am so glad you are taking the lead on this, as it has been on
my hit list for a long time and I knew I was never going to find the
time to do anything about it.


I had a little "down-time" this morning and finally completed this task. As per this discussion thread, the FAQ section (in the "Get Help" section of our website) has been moved to the "About Us" section.

I also removed the FAQ questions that did not relate to "about" TDF/LibreOffice, but made sure they were covered on the Ask.LibreOffice.org site or on our website.

Finally, the FAQ will need some work. I believe Italo has plans of eventually "overhauling" the "About Us FAQ" and bringing up to date its content.

Have a nice new year's day everyone!



Marc Paré
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